It's always been a dream of mine! Plus the ability to share my journey with you and have you help me develop the idea was too good not to try.
What kind of backpack will it be?
We are making the world's greatest urban everyday carry, designed for doers, creators, founders, and people who get s**t done. We originally were planning to make a 2-in-1 sling/pack combo, but decided to pivot. (more info here -
Is the backpack connected to Nomads Nation?
While the process of building the backpack is being documented on Nomads Nation, it will be a completely different brand named Fyro.
How much will the backpack cost to make?
I expect it to cost anywhere from $40,000-$60,000 USD to develop the pack and launch a Kickstarter campaign.
How long will this project take?
I am hoping for it to take one year, so the launch date is currently March 2024.
Why did you stop working on your previous backpack?
I had been secretly working on another backpack brand for a while, but things weren't working out. That's why I decided to move on from that project and start brand new!
How can I help?
If you are interested in working together, collaborating, or just helping with the project in some capacity, feel free to shoot me an email and let me know your ideas! (
Email me if you wanna chat!